Can I Update My Website Myself After It’s Designed by a Web Designing Company in Abu Dhabi?


In today’s digital world, having a website is crucial for any business or individual aiming to establish an online presence. Once your site is designed and developed by a website development company in Abu Dhabi, you might wonder if you can manage updates and changes on your own. This article explores the possibilities and considerations for updating your website after its initial design and development.

Understanding Website Maintenance Needs

Websites require ongoing maintenance to remain functional, secure, and relevant. Regular updates can include adding new content, modifying existing content, adjusting layouts, and implementing new features. The ability to perform these updates yourself depends largely on how your website was built and the tools and technologies used.

Factors Influencing Self-Updates

Website Platform

The platform on which your website is built significantly impacts how easy it is to make updates. Here are some common types:

  1. Content Management Systems (CMS): Platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal are designed to be user-friendly for those without extensive technical knowledge. If your website was built using a CMS, you likely have the ability to make updates yourself through an intuitive dashboard.

  2. Custom-Built Websites: If your website was custom-designed by a web development company in Abu Dhabi, it may not use a CMS. Custom sites might require more technical expertise to update, depending on how they were built and what technologies are used.

  3. Website Builders: Tools like Wix, Squarespace, or Shopify offer user-friendly interfaces for managing and updating websites. If your site was built using one of these platforms, you can typically make changes through their built-in editors.

Training and Documentation

When a website is developed, Abu Dhabi web designing often provides training and documentation. This information can be crucial for managing updates on your own. Here’s what you should look for:

  1. Training Sessions: If the company provided training, ensure you attended these sessions and understood how to use the tools and platforms they implemented.

  2. Documentation: Good documentation will include guides on how to make common updates, such as adding new pages or editing existing content. Check if you received this documentation and whether it is comprehensive.

Technical Skills

Your technical proficiency plays a significant role in your ability to update your website. If you have a basic understanding of web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), you may find it easier to manage updates. Conversely, if your skills are limited, you might find yourself needing more support or guidance.

Types of Updates You Can Make Yourself

Content Changes

One of the most common updates is changing the content. This includes:

  1. Text Updates: Editing text on pages, blog posts, or product descriptions.

  2. Image Replacements: Swapping out old images for new ones or adjusting image galleries.

  3. Adding New Pages: Creating additional pages for new services, blog posts, or other content.

For websites built on a CMS or website builder, content changes are usually straightforward through their respective interfaces. For custom-built sites, you may need access to the backend code or a content management interface, if one was implemented.

Layout and Design Modifications

If you need to change the layout or design of your site, such as adjusting the navigation menu or modifying the homepage layout, your ability to do this depends on how your site was designed.

  1. CMS Sites: Often, you can make layout changes using built-in customization options or plugins.

  2. Custom Sites: You might need to modify the code directly or request changes from your web development company.

Functional Updates

Updating functionalities, such as adding new features or integrating with third-party services (e.g., payment gateways, social media feeds), can be more complex:

  1. CMS Sites: Plugins or modules might be available to add new features.

  2. Custom Sites: Adding new functionalities may require coding skills or assistance from your development team.

When to Seek Professional Help

While you can manage many updates on your own, there are times when professional help is advisable:

  1. Technical Issues: If you encounter technical problems or errors, it’s often best to consult with your web development company.

  2. Complex Changes: Major changes to functionality or design might require professional skills to ensure that everything works seamlessly.

  3. Security Updates: Ensuring your site remains secure from vulnerabilities often requires professional expertise, especially if you’re not familiar with the latest security practices.

Benefits of Updating Your Website Yourself

  1. Cost Savings: Handling updates in-house can save money that would otherwise be spent on professional services.

  2. Immediate Changes: You can make updates in real-time without having to wait for the web development company’s availability.

  3. Customization: You can make changes according to your preferences and needs without relying on external input.

Risks and Considerations

  1. Potential for Errors: Without technical expertise, there’s a risk of making mistakes that could affect your site’s functionality or appearance.

  2. Security Concerns: Unintentional security lapses can expose your site to vulnerabilities if not properly managed.

  3. Learning Curve: There may be a learning curve associated with understanding and using the tools and platforms for updates.


Whether or not you can update your website yourself after it’s been designed by a web designing company in Abu Dhabi largely depends on the platform used, the training provided, and your technical skills. Websites built on CMS platforms or website builders generally allow for easier updates, while custom-built sites may require more advanced knowledge or professional assistance.

If you’re confident in your technical abilities and have the necessary resources, managing updates on your own can be a cost-effective and flexible option. However, for more complex changes or if you encounter issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to your web development company for support. Ensuring that your website remains current, secure, and functional is crucial to maintaining a strong online presence.


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